Paperdoll Genealogy to me has always been a journey of self discovery. One of living over two decades full of false family oral history and public records. So sure of my family tree after living my entire childhood and the majority of my adulthood believing in the stories. The dots of family histories woven together from imagination; some out of necessity, and others for safety, security and survival.
To be the one in the buzzing research room group meetups that proudly boasted that ancestry DNA served no purpose for me as I knew my entire family tree. So many wasted months and years of genealogical naivety and blind arrogance drowning in all-knowing to then loosing both opportunities to test my octogenarian grandmothers before their passing five years ago. Today like most days since, I'm wondering, Why did I wait for hindsight to be my 20/20 when my new network of family historians and genealogists consistently asked me if I had taken a DNA test? will forever haunt me. To think about those days and my foolish responses laced with pompous humor and sarcasm is nauseating to say the least. At that point, I switch my thinking back to the moment ever reaching for the opportunity to be completely present and side eyeing the delight of proclaiming to be practicing mindfulness. And then I practice my best posture to wonder If I can give myself some space for grace so that I can remember to focus on my true desire for researching my family history. My lifelong love of reading, researching and storytelling; always beginning with did you know. Thinking of the way I absolutely love visiting libraries to thumb through their holdings. Looking to see the titles curated onto tables and shelves handpicked by the staff while unconsciously holding my breath until I begin to chat up the reference librarians about their holdings. Thankful for the rememory of my hearts desire WHY while I beginning again. One step at a time without rush or sense of urgency since the lane I know for sure is my own. Forever space for grace. - xoLisa Full circle #paperdolljournalnotes |
AuthorLisa Hazell | Paperdoll Ancestry with Lisa Archives
October 2024
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